
We are immensely proud of the titles Rozate Aussies have attained with their loving owners (and friends). We cannot thank them enough for allowing these dogs to show their skills and to spend the time training for each level.
List up to date 29 Sept 2024
Where a name is hyperlinked you can click to see photo and pedigree of that dog.

NOTE: All are Australian Shepherds unless denoted by a MAS or HAV notation.

Grand Champions

Rozate The Serpents Lair
Rozate Thru The Stargate
Australian Show Champions

  1. Rozate Eye O The Storm
  2. Rozate NoahsEternalStorm
  3. Rozate Storm Ina T Cup
  4. Rozate Storm Warning
  5. Rozate Fire N Water
  6. Rozate Thru The Stargate
  7. Rozate IronhorsePrincess
  8. Rozate The Ice Princess
  9. Rozate Flying Solo
  10. Rozate The Serpents Lair
  11. Rozate Enigma
  12. Rozate Copperhead Road
  13. Rozate Cruzn Coup DVille
  14. Rozate Smoke Onthe Water
  15. Rozate Shameless Hussy
  16. Rozate Shameless Minx
  17. Rozate MyDreamOz
  18. Rozate Red Storm Rising
  19. Rozate Jackhammer 
  20. Rozate Singing The Blues
  21. Rozate California Hway Patrol
  22. Rozate Here Come Da Fuzz
  23. Rozate Fleet Street
  24. Rozate Last Train To Memphis
  25. Rozate Jamaican Blue
  26. Rozate Moulen Rouge
  27. Rozate Fleeting Whispers
  28. Rozate OneKiss CloserToHeaven
  29. Rozate North By Northwest
  30. Rozate Return of the Jedi
  31. Rozate So What
  32. Rozate Smokin Hot Kiss
  33. Rozate One Shot At Fame
  34. Rozate Stolen Kisses
  35. Rozate Fame N Fortune
  36. Rozate La Vie Es Belle
  37. Rozate Souper Douper
  38. Rozate Hugs Be With You
  39. Rozate Taco The Town

Overseas Show Champions
NZ Ch Rozate Galaxy Quest
NZ Ch Rozate Shameless Minx
Neuter Champions
Rozate Show N Tell
Rozate Calamity Jane
Rozate Sledgehammer
Rozate Fleeting Romance
Rozate Jamaican Blue
Rozate Brewed By Moonlite
Trial Levels

Versatile Excellent Herding CHAMPION:
Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A sheep/A ducks & A catle)

Versatile Herding CHAMPION:
Rozate Jackhammer (B sheep)
Rozate Shasta Salamander (A sheep & A ducks)
Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A sheep & A ducks)

Herding Grand CHAMPION:
Rozate Jackhammer (A sheep)
Rozate Mink Frog (A sheep)
Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A sheep)
Rozate Shasta Salamander (A sheep)

Rozate Jackhammer (A ducks)
Rozate Mink Frog (A sheep)
Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A sheep)
Rozate Moose On The Loose (A sheep)
Rozate Shasta Salamander (A sheep)

  1. Rozate Jackhammer (A sheep)
  2. Rozate Jackhammer (A ducks)
  3. Rozate Jackhammer (B sheep)
  4. Rozate Jackhammer (B ducks)
  5. Rozate Jackhammer (A cattle)
  6. Rozate Justice Smooth As Silk (A sheep)
  7. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A sheep)
  8. Rozate Moose On The Loose (A sheep)
  9. Rozate Shasta Salamander (A sheep)
  10. Rozate Shasta Salamander (A ducks)
  11. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A ducks)
  12. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A cattle)
  13. Rozate Invest In A Dream (A sheep)

Internediate MASTERS:
  1. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A sheep)

  1. Rozate Jackhammer (A sheep)
  2. Rozate Jackhammer (A ducks)
  3. Rozate Jackhammer (B ducks)
  4. Rozate Jackhammer (B sheep)
  5. Rozate Jackhammer (A cattle)
  6. Rozate Justice Smooth As Silk (A ducks)
  7. Rozate Justice Smooth As Silk (A sheep)
  8. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A sheep)
  9. Rozate Mink Frog (A sheep)
  10. Rozate Mink Frog (B sheep)
  11. Rozate MSQ Klondike Gold Rush (A sheep)
  12. Rozate The Sundance Kid (A sheep)
  13. Rozate Shasta Salamander (A sheep)
  14. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A ducks)
  15. Rozate Moose On The Loose (A sheep)
  16. Rozate Shasta Salamander (A sheep)
  17. Rozate Shasta Salamander  (A ducks)
  18. Rozate Invest In A Dream (A sheep)
  19. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A cattle)
  20. Rozate Sea King (A sheep)
  21. Rozate Sea King (A ducks)
  22. Rozate Early Bird Investment (A ducks)
  23. Rozate Early Bird Investment (A sheep)

  1. Rozate Justice Smooth As Silk (A sheep)
  2. Rozate Just Ice At The Pole (A sheep)
  3. Rozate The Sundance Kid (A sheep)
  4. Rozate MSQ Klondike Gold Rush (A sheep)
  5. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A sheep)
  6. Rozate Drift Er In Black (A sheep)
  7. Rozate Return of the Jedi (A sheep)
  8. Rozate American Bullfrog (A sheep)
  9. Rozate Shasta Salamander (A sheep)
  10. Rozate Moose On The Loose (A sheep)
  11. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A cattle)
  12. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A ducks)
  13. Rozate Moose On The Loose (A ducks)
  14. Rozate Invest In A Dream (A sheep)
  15. Rozate Early Bird Investment (A sheep)
  16. Rozate Early Bird Investment (A ducks)
  17. Rozate Night Quest At The Pole (A sheep)
  18. Rozate Night Quest At The Pole (A ducks)
  19. Rozate Sea King (A cattle)

Started MASTERS:
  1. Rozate The Sundance Kid (A sheep)
  2. Rozate Dare To Dream (A sheep)
  3. Rozate MSQ Klondike Gold Rush (A sheep)
  4. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A sheep)
  5. Rozate Mink Frog (A sheep)
  6. Rozate PS I Love You (A sheep)
  7. Rozate Drift Er In Black (A sheep)
  8. Rozate Million Dollar Baby (A sheep)
  9. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (B sheep)
  10. Rozate GuardianOf The Galaxy (A sheep)
  11. Rozate American Bullfrog (A sheep)
  12. Rozate Shasta Salamander (A sheep)
  13. Rozate Return of the Jedi (A sheep)
  14. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A ducks)
  15. Rozate Moose On The Loose (A sheep)
  16. Rozate Brewed By Moonlite (A sheep)
  17. Rozate MSQ Yellowstone BlkBear (A sheep)
  18. Rozate Night Quest At The Pole (A sheep)
  19. Rozate Early Bird Investment (A sheep)
  20. Rozate Wild Rye (A sheep)
  21. Rozate Early Bird Investment (A ducks)
  22. Rozate Sea King (A sheep)

  1. Rozate IronhorsePrincess (A sheep)
  2. Rozate Jackhammer (A sheep)
  3. Rozate Jackhammer (B ducks)
  4. Rozate Dare To Dream (A sheep)
  5. Rozate One Fine Day (A sheep)
  6. Rozate Jackhammer (B sheep)
  7. Rozate Jackhammer (A cattle)
  8. Rozate Sledgehammer (A sheep)
  9. Rozate PS I Love You (A sheep)
  10. Rozate Shameless Hussy (A sheep)
  11. Rozate Red Storm Rising (A sheep)
  12. Rozate Claw Hammer (A sheep)
  13. Rozate Dare to Dream (A cattle)
  14. Rozate Dare to Dream (B sheep)
  15. Rozate Memphis Tennessee (A sheep)
  16. Rozate Fleeting Romance (A sheep)
  17. Rozate Justice Smooth As Silk (A sheep)
  18. Rozate One Fine Day (A cattle)
  19. Rozate The Smoking Gun (A sheep)
  20. Rozate The Smoking Gun (A cattle)
  21. Rozate The Smoking Gun (B sheep)
  22. Rozate North By Northwest (A sheep)
  23. Rozate So What (A sheep)
  24. Rozate Just Ice At The Pole (A sheep)
  25. Rozate Calamity Jane (A sheep)
  26. Rozate Justice Smooth As Silk (A ducks)
  27. Rozate The Sundance Kid (A sheep)
  28. Rozate Return of the Jedi (A sheep)
  29. Rozate One Shot At Fame (A sheep)
  30. Rozate Justice Smooth As Silk (A cattle)
  31. Rozate Justice Smooth As Silk (B sheep)
  32. Rozate I Got Things To Do (A sheep)
  33. Rozate To the Moon And Back (A sheep)
  34. Rozate MSQ Klondike Gold Rush (A sheep)
  35. Rozate GuardianOf The Galaxy (A sheep)
  36. Rozate Just Ice At The Pole (B sheep)
  37. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A sheep)
  38. Rozate Mink Frog (A sheep)
  39. Rozate Million Dollar Baby (A sheep)
  40. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (B sheep)
  41. Rozate MSQ Klondike Gold Rush (B sheep)
  42. Rozate Mink Frog (B sheep)
  43. Rozate Smokin Hot Kiss (A sheep)
  44. Rozate Shasta Salamander (A sheep)
  45. Rozate Drift Er In Black (A sheep)
  46. Rozate Night Quest At The Pole (A sheep)
  47. Rozate Russian Nox (A sheep)
  48. Rozate American Bullfrog (A sheep)
  49. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A cattle)
  50. Rozate Brewed By Moonlite (A sheep)
  51. Rozate MSQ Yellowstone BlkBear (A sheep)
  52. Rozate Moose On The Loose (A sheep)
  53. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog (A ducks)
  54. Rozate The Sundance Kid (A ducks)
  55. Rozate Only Fools Rush In (A sheep)
  56. Rozate Invest E Gator (A sheep)
  57. Rozate Moose On The Loose (A cattle)
  58. Rozate Moose On The Loose (A ducks)
  59. Rozate Night Quest At The Pole (A ducks)
  60. Rozate Shasta Salamander (A ducks)
  61. Rozate Invest In A Dream (A sheep)
  62. Rozate Shasta Salamander (A cattle)
  63. Rozate Wild Rye (A sheep)
  64. Rozate Early Bird Investment (A sheep)
  65. Rozate Early Bird Investment (A ducks)
  66. Rozate Moose On The Loose (B sheep)
  67. Rozate Night Quest At The Pole (A ducks)
  68. Rozate Sea King (A sheep)
  69. Rozate Shasta Salamander (B sheep)
  70. Rozate Invest In A Dream (B sheep)
  71. Rozate Red Bulldust (A sheep)
  72. Rozate Early Bird Investment (A ducks)
  73. Rozate Sea King (A ducks)
  74. Rozate Early Bird Investment (B ducks)
  75. Rozate A Handsome Investment (A sheep)
  76. Rozate Brewed By Moonlite (A ducks)
  77. Rozate Catch As Catch Can (A sheep)
  78. Rozate Worst Playboy Ever (A sheep)
  79. Rozate Sea King (A cattle)
  80. Rozate Sea King (B sheep)
  81. Rozate The Black Widow (A ducks)
  82. Rozate Early Bird Investment (B sheep)
  83. Rozate The Black Widow (A sheep)

Test Levels

  1. Rozate IronhorsePrincess
  2. Rozate Shameless Hussy
  3. Rozate Jackhammer
  4. Rozate Idol Dreams
  5. Rozate Red Storm Rising
  6. Rozate Sledgehammer
  7. Rozate PS I Love You
  8. Rozate Dare To Dream
  9. Rozate One Fine Day
  10. Rozate Let Freedom Ring
  11. Rozate Voodoo Rhythm
  12. Rozate Jamaican Blue
  13. Rozate The Smoking Gun
  14. Rozate Memphis Tennessee
  15. Rozate Rodeo Drive
  16. Rozate Claw Hammer
  17. Rozate Just Keep It Cool
  18. Rozate Waking In Memphis
  19. Rozate Fleeting Romance
  20. Rozate So What
  21. Rozate Justice As Smooth As Silk
  22. Rozate Calamity Jane
  23. Rozate The Great Dictator
  24. Rozate North By Northwest
  25. Rozate Just Ice At The Pole 
  26. Rozate The Sundance Kid
  27. Rozate Vigilante Justice
  28. Rozate Return of the Jedi
  29. Rozate One Shot At Fame
  30. Rozate Polar Bear
  31. Rozate I Got Things To Do
  32. Rozate Once In A Blue Moon
  33. Rozate To The Moon And Back
  34. Rozate One Kiss CloserToHeaven
  35. Rozate Seeking Justice
  36. Rozate MSQ Klondike Gold Rush
  37. Rozate GuardianOf The Galaxy
  38. Rozate Brewed By Moonlite
  39. Rozate Only Fools Rush In
  40. Rozate Drift Er In Black
  41. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog
  42. Rozate Million Dollar Baby
  43. Rozate Night Quest AtThePole
  44. Rozate Shasta Salamander
  45. Rozate Mink Frog
  46. Rozate Just Dust OnTheCatwalk
  47. Rozate Smokin Hot Kiss
  48. Rozate Texas Toad A Tickin
  49. Rozate Russian Nox
  50. Rozate American Bullfrog
  51. Rozate Rushn Rio Colorado
  52. Rozate MSQ Yellowstone BlkBear
  53. Rozate Red Bulldust
  54. Rozate Moose On The Loose
  55. Rozate Invest E Gator
  56. Rozate Invest In A Dream
  57. Rozate Chicago After Midnight
  58. Rozate Wild Rye
  59. Rozate Early Bird Investment
  60. Rozate Smiths Chips
  61. Rozate Sea King
  62. Rozate The Mandalorian
  63. Rozate The Black Widow
  64. Rozate Stomp The Yard
  65. Rozate Bucking The Bull Dust
  66. Rozate A Handsome Investment
  67. Rozate Frog Stomp N Kisses
  68. Rozate Catch As Catch Can
  69. Rozate Worst Playboy Ever
  70. Rozate Dark Phoenix Rising
  71. Rozate Slide Guitar Legend

Herding Test
  1. Rozate Storm Warning (HIT old rules)
  2. Rozate The Ice Princess
  3. Rozate IronhorsePrincess
  4. Rozate Jackhammer
  5. Rozate Idol Dreams
  6. Rozate Sledgehammer
  7. Rozate Jamaican Blue
  8. Rozate Voodoo Rhythm
  9. Rozate So What
  10. Rozate Calamity Jane
  11. Rozate Final Fleet
  12. Rozate The Sundance Kid
  13. Rozate Return of the Jedi
  14. Rozate Moulen Rouge
  15. Rozate One Shot At Fame
  16. Rozate To The Moon And Back
  17. Rozate I Got Things To Do
  18. Rozate Once In A Blue Moon
  19. Rozate Polar Bear
  20. Rozate One Kiss CloserToHeaven
  21. Rozate MSQ Klondike Gold Rush
  22. Rozate Only Fools Rush In
  23. Rozate GuardianOf The Galaxy
  24. Rozate Kiss N Tell
  25. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog 
  26. Rozate Smokin Hot Kiss
  27. Rozate Night Quest AtThePole
  28. Rozate Mink Frog
  29. Rozate Shasta Salamander
  30. Rozate Million Dollar Baby
  31. Rozate American Bullfrog
  32. Rozate Hug Me Kiss Me
  33. Rozate Russian Nox
  34. Rozate Slide Guitar Legend
  35. Rozate The Mandalorian
  36. Rozate Red Bulldust
  37. Rozate Wild Rye
  38. Rozate Southern Sequoia
  39. Rozate Once Upon A Kiss
  40. Rozate Slide Guitar Legend
  41. Rozate Souper Douper


Obedience CHAMPION
Rozate Storm Warning (Dual Ch)
Rozate An Affair To Remember

Rozate Storm Warning
Rozate An Affair To Remember

  1. Rozate Storm Warning
  2. Rozate Thors Hammer
  3. Rozate The Don
  4. Rozate An Affair To Remember
  5. Rozate Khe San
  6. Rozate Blade Runner
  7. Rozate High Plains Drifter
  8. Rozate Rushing Eagle
  9. Rozate Arctic Bluegrass

  1. Rozate Storm Warning
  2. Rozate The Don
  3. Rozate Thors Hammer
  4. Rozate Dare To Dream
  5. Rozate Let Freedom Ring
  6. Rozate The Serpents Lair
  7. Rozate An Affair To Remember
  8. Rozate Polar Bear
  9. Rozate Khe San
  10. Rozate High Plains Drifter
  11. Rozate Mistaken Identity
  12. Rozate I Got Things To Do
  13. Rozate Calamity Jane
  14. Rozate Fleetwood Mac
  15. Rozate Blade Runner
  16. Rozate Little Big Horn
  17. Rozate Rushing Eagle
  18. Rozate Arctic Bluegrass
  19. Rozate BB Boston Red Sox
  20. Rozate What A Leap

  1. Rozate Dare To Dream
  2. Rozate Let Freedom Ring
  3. Rozate The Serpents Lair
  4. Rozate Tennessee Dreamn
  5. Rozate An Affair To Remember
  6. Rozate Fleeting Romance
  7. Rozate Sledgehammer
  8. Rozate Calamity Jane
  9. Rozate Khe San
  10. Rozate Fuzz On Fire
  11. Rozate The Sundance Kid
  12. Rozate So What
  13. Rozate I Got Things To Do
  14. Rozate Rhythm N Black
  15. Rozate Red Adair
  16. Rozate Fleetwood Mac
  17. Rozate Rushing Eagle
  18. Rozate Blade Runner
  19. Rozate Actic Bluegrass
  20. Rozate What A Leap

Rozate An Affair To Remember
Rozate Million Dollar Baby
Rozate Khe San

Rozate An Affair To Remember
Rozate Khe San
Rozate Million Dollar Baby
Rozate Blade Runner
Rozate Rushing Eagle
Rozate Actic Bluegrass
Rozate BB Boston Red Sox
Rozate Brewed By Moonlite

Rozate An Affair To Remember
Rozate Khe San
Rozate Million Dollar Baby
Rozate Rushing Eagle
Rozate Blade Runner
Rozate Actic Bluegrass
Rozate BB Boston Red Sox

  1. Rozate Rhythm N Black
  2. Rozate An Affair To Remember
  3. Rozate Calamity Jane
  4. Rozate Fleetwood Mac
  5. Rozate Khe San
  6. Rozate Million Dollar Baby
  7. Rozate I Got Things To Do
  8. Rozate Return of the Jedi
  9. Rozate Ruby Jewel
  10. Rozate Blade Runner
  11. Rozate Red Adair
  12. Rozate Rushing Eagle
  13. Rozate BB Boston Red Sox
  14. Rozate Arctic Bluegrass
  15. Rozate Brewed By Moonlite
  16. Rozate Slide Guitar Legend

  1. Rozate Rhythm N Black
  2. Rozate An Affair To Remember
  3. Rozate Mistaken Identity
  4. Rozate Fleetwood Mac
  5. Rozate Calamity Jane
  6. Rozate Ruby Jewel
  7. Rozate Khe San
  8. Rozate Return of the Jedi
  9. Rozate The Sundance Kid
  10. Rozate Drift Er In Black
  11. Rozate So What
  12. Rozate Million Dollar Baby
  13. Rozate I Got Things To Do
  14. Rozate Red Adair
  15. Rozate Blade Runner
  16. Rozate Rushing Eagle
  17. Rozate BB Boston Red Sox
  18. Rozate Arctic Bluegrass
  19. Rozate Slide Guitar Legend
  20. Rozate The Spruce Moose
  21. Rozate Brewed By Moonlite
  22. Rozate La Vie Es Belle
  23. Rozate The Spruce Moose

  1. Rozate An Affair To Remember
  2. Rozate Storm Warning
  3. Rozate Rhythm N Black
  4. Rozate Calamity Jane
  5. Rozate The Sundance Kid
  6. Rozate Jamaican Blue
  7. Rozate Mistaken Identity
  8. Rozate Jungle Rhythm
  9. Rozate The Great Dictator
  10. Rozate Fleetwood Mac
  11. Rozate PS I Love You
  12. Rozate Sledgehammer
  13. Rozate Return of the Jedi
  14. Rozate Ruby Jewel
  15. Rozate Khe San
  16. Rozate Voodoo Rhythm
  17. Rozate I Got Things To Do
  18. Rozate Shes The Breeze Kneez
  19. Rozate Fuzz On Fire
  20. Rozate Drift Er In Black
  21. Rozate So What
  22. Rozate What A Leap
  23. Rozate Last Train To Memphis
  24. Rozate Million Dollar Baby
  25. Rozate What Do You Wish For
  26. Rozate Red Adair
  27. Rozate Blade Runner
  28. Rozate MSQ Klondike Gold Rush
  29. Rozate Only Fools Rush In
  30. Rozate Brewed By Moonlite
  31. Rozate Just Ice At The Pole
  32. Rozate One Shot At Fame
  33. Rozate Rushing Eagle
  34. Rozate Guardian of the Galaxy
  35. Rozate BB Boston Red Sox
  36. Rozate Slide Guitar Legend
  37. Rozate Actic Bluegrass
  38. Rozate Chicago After Midnight
  39. Rozate The Spruce Moose
  40. Rozate La Vie Es Belle
  41. Rozate Wild Rye
  42. Rozate Wild Kindra
  43. Rozate Comet
  44. Rozate Dark N Dusty
  45. Rozate Frog Stomp N Kisses


Rozate Just Keep It Cool
Rozate Final Fleet

Rozate Just Keep It Cool
Rozate Final Fleet
Rozate Just The Way You Are
Rozate Buffalo Grass

Rozate Just Keep It Cool
Rozate Final Fleet
Rozate Buffalo Grass
Rozate Just The Way You Are

Rozate Sledgehammer
Rozate Just Keep It Cool
Rozate Final Fleet
Rozate Vigilante Justice
Rozate Ruby Jewel
Rozate Just The Way You Are
Rozate Buffalo Grass

Rozate Dare To Dream  
Rozate Sledgehammer
Rozate Just Keep It Cool
Rozate Final Fleet
Rozate The Sea Hawk
Rozate Vigilante Justice
Rozate Ruby Jewel
Rozate Just The Way You Are
Rozate Buffalo Grass


Rozate Just Keep It Cool
Rozate Final Fleet
Rozate Vigilante Justice
Rozate Ruby Jewel
Rozate Just The Way You Are
Rozate Buffalo Grass

Rozate Just Keep It Cool
Rozate Final Fleet
Rozate Ruby Jewel
Rozate Buffalo Grass
Rozate Just The Way You Are


  1. Rozate Sledgehammer
  2. Rozate Dare To Dream
  3. Rozate Just Keep It Cool
  4. Rozate Final Fleet
  5. Rozate Vigilante Justice
  6. Rozate Ruby Jewel
  7. Rozate Fuzz On Fire
  8. Rozate Calamity Jane
  9. Rozate Just The Way You Are
  10. Rozate Buffalo Grass
  11. Rozate Spinning Bull Dust

  1. Rozate Dare To Dream
  2. Rozate Sledgehammer
  3. Rozate PS I Love You
  4. Rozate Just Keep It Cool
  5. Rozate Final Fleet
  6. Rozate Vigilante Justice
  7. Rozate Ruby Jewel
  8. Rozate Fuzz On Fire
  9. Rozate Calamity Jane
  10. Rozate Just the Way You Are
  11. Rozate Slide Guitar Legend
  12. Rozate Buffalo Grass
  13. Rozate Spinning Bull Dust
  14. Rozate With You
  15. Rozate Chicago On Fire
Rozate Buffalo Grass


Rozate Buffalo Grass

Rozate Sledgehammer
Rozate Buffalo Grass

Rozate Buffalo Grass

Rozate Sledgehammer
Rozate Buffalo Grass
Rozate Ruby Jewel
Rozate Slide Guitar Legend

Rozate Buffalo Grass

Rozate Buffalo Grass

Rozate Ruby Jewel
Rozate Calamity Jane
Rozate Buffalo Grass


Track and Search GRAND CHAMPION
Rozate Jamaican Blue
Rozate Jackhammer
Rozate Seeking Justice
Rozate Calamity Jane
Rozate Night Quest AtThePole
Rozate Chicago After Midnight
Rozate Slide Guitar Legend

Track and Search CHAMPION
Rozate Jamaican Blue
Rozate Jackhammer
Rozate Calamity Jane
Rozate Seeking Justice
Rozate Night Quest AtThePole
Rozate Chicago After Midnight
Rozate Slide Guitar Legend

Rozate Jamaican Blue
Rozate Jackhammer
Rozate Calamity Jame
Rozate Seeking Justice
Rozate I Got Things To Do
Rozate Night Quest AtThePole
Rozate Chicago After Midnight
Rozate Slide Guitar Legend
Rozate Wild Rye

  1. Rozate Jamaican Blue
  2. Rozate Jackhammer
  3. Rozate Calamity Jane
  4. Rozate Seeking Justice
  5. Rozate I Got Things To Do
  6. Rozate Slide Guitar Legend
  7. Rozate Night Quest AtThePole
  8. Rozate Chicago After Midnight
  9. Rozate Wild Rye
  10. Rozate Brewed By Moonlite
  11. Rozate BB Boston Red Sox
  12. Rozate The Spruce Moose
Rozate Slide Guitar Legend

  1. Rozate Jackhammer
  2. Rozate Jamaican Blue
  3. Rozate Justice Smooth As Silk
  4. Rozate Calamity Jane
  5. Rozate Seeking Justice
  6. Rozate Just Ice At The Pole
  7. Rozate I Got Things To Do
  8. Rozate One Shot At Fame
  9. Rozate Slide Guitar Legend
  10. Rozate Chicago After Midnight
  11. Rozate Night Quest AtThePole
  12. Rozate The Spruce Moose
  13. Rozate BB Boston Red Sox
  14. Rozate Brewed By Moonlite

  1. Rozate Jackhammer
  2. Rozate Jamaican Blue
  3. Rozate Justice Smooth As Silk
  4. Rozate Calamity Jane
  5. Rozate Seeking Justice
  6. Rozate Just Ice At The Pole
  7. Rozate I Got Things To Do
  8. Rozate One Shot At Fame
  9. Rozate Slide Guitar Legend
  10. Rozate Chicago After Midnight
  11. Rozate Night Quest At The Pole
  12. Rozate The Spruce Moose
  13. Rozate BB Boston Red Sox
  14. Rozate Brewed By Moonlite

  1. Rozate Jackhammer
  2. Rozate Jamaican Blue
  3. Rozate Calamity Jane
  4. Rozate Justice Smooth As Silk
  5. Rozate Seeking Justice
  6. Rozate Just Ice At The Pole
  7. Rozate One Shot At Fame
  8. Rozate I Got Things To Do
  9. Rozate What A Leap
  10. Rozate Only Fools Rush In
  11. Rozate Slide Guitar Legend
  12. Rozate Chicago After Midnight
  13. Rozate Little Big Horn
  14. Rozate Night Quest AtThePole
  15. Rozate Shasta Salamander
  16. Rozate The Spruce Moose
  17. Rozate BB Boston Red Sox
  18. Rozate Wild Rye
  19. Rozate Brewed By Moonlite


Rozate Rushing Eagle
Rozate Lucky Strike

Rozate Calamity Jane
Rozate BB Boston Red Sox
Rozate Rushing Eagle
Rozate Slide Guitar Legend
Rozate Lucky Strike
Rozate Good Time Rock Princess
Rozate What A Leap


Rozate Khe San

Rozate Storm Warning
Rozate Khe San

Rozate Storm Warning
Rozate Mistaken Identity
Rozate Khe San

Rozate Storm Warning
Rozate The Great Dictator
Rozate Khe San

Rozate Storm Warning
Rozate The Great Dictator
Rozate Mistaken Identity
Rozate Khe San
Rozate Brewed By Moonlite


Rozate Million Dollar Baby


Rozate Khe San
Rozate Million Dollar Baby
Rozate BB Boston Red Sox

Rozate Khe San
Rozate Million Dollar Baby
Rozate BB Boston Red Sox
Rozate Brewed By Moonlite

Rozate Khe San
Rozate Calamity Jane
Rozate Million Dollar Baby
Rozate BB Boston Red Sox
Rozate Ruby Jewel
Rozate Chicago On Fire
Rozate Brewed By Moonlite
Rozate With You
Rozate Chicago On Fire
Rozate Comet
Rozate The Spruce Moose


  1. Rozate Thors Hammer
  2. Rozate Enigma
  3. Rozate Sledgehammer
  4. Rozate Jackhammer
  5. Rozate California Hway Patrol
  6. Rozate An Affair to Remember
  7. Rozate PS I Love You
  8. Rozate Jungle Rhythm
  9. Rozate Fleeting Romance
  10. Rozate Fuzz On Fire
  11. Rozate An Affair To Remember
  12. Rozate One Shot At Fame
  13. Rozate Blade Runner
  14. Rozate Brewed By Moonlite 
  15. Rozate Chicago After Midnight
  16. Rozate The Spruce Moose
  17. Rozate Oregon Spotted Frog


Rozate The Spruce Moose
Rozate Dark N Dusty
                                                                                                                                                                                    WEIGHT PACK DOG
Rozate Brewed By Moonlite
Rozate Arctic Bluegrass
Rozate Wild Kindra
AF Champion
Rozate Chicago On Fire